Deploy MusicGen model from AudioCraft
AudioCraft is a PyTorch library for deep learning research on audio generation. AudioCraft contains inference and training code for two state-of-the-art AI generative models producing high-quality audio: AudioGen and MusicGen.
In this tutorial will show how to deploy MusicGen.
Initialise a new pipeline
In an empty directory, you can initialise a new project by running the following command:
pipeline container init
You should see 2 new files appear,
and pipeline.yaml
, with some initial content that we will later update. The .py
file should contain the code that should be executed at runtime while the .yaml
file is a configuration file for the pipeline.
The pipeline graph
Substitute the following code into
from pipeline import Pipeline, Variable, entity, pipe
from pipeline.objects import File
class MusicgenModel:
def __init__(self):
@pipe(on_startup=True, run_once=True)
def load(self):
from audiocraft.models import MusicGen
self.model = MusicGen.get_pretrained("large")
def predict(self, prompt: str, duration: int) -> File:
from import audio_write
descriptions = [prompt]
wav = self.model.generate(descriptions)
for idx, one_wav in enumerate(wav):
file_path = f"/tmp/{idx}"
# Will save under {idx}.wav, with loudness normalization at -14 db LUFS.
output_file = File(path=file_path + ".wav", allow_out_of_context_creation=True)
return output_file
with Pipeline() as builder:
prompt = Variable(
description='Describe the music to be generated, \
e.g. "rock song with a long guitar solo"',
duration = Variable(
description="Length of the music in seconds, \
generation can take long so keep numbers low",
model = MusicgenModel()
output = model.predict(prompt, duration)
my_new_pipeline = builder.get_pipeline()
The pipeline config
Substitute the following configuration into pipeline.yaml
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y git libgl1-mesa-glx ffmpeg gcc
version: "3.10"
- pipeline-ai
- torch==2.0.1
- audiocraft
cuda_version: "11.4"
accelerators: ["nvidia_a100"]
accelerator_memory: null
pipeline_graph: new_pipeline:my_new_pipeline
pipeline_name: musicgen-large
description: null
readme: null
extras: {}
Notice the additional apt
packages that we have declared should be installed in the container, e.g. ffmpeg
Build pipeline docker image
To build a docker image of the pipeline, run the following command from the same directory containing the files:
pipeline container build
Run container locally
Before uploading your pipeline, we strongly encourage to test your pipeline locally, to ensure it behaves as expected. To do so, run:
pipeline container up
It will take a little while for the model to be downloaded. The container comes with an API, allowing you to make local inference requests. Check out the play form to quickly start testing out the pipeline.
Push pipeline docker image
To upload the pipeline, or push the docker image of the pipeline to the Mystic docker registry, run the following command:
pipeline container push
Updated about 1 year ago