Migrating from other frameworks

Running Cog (Replicate) models on Mystic


This feature requires pipeline-ai >= 2.8.0


Note that this functionality is still experimental

There are some limitations currently:

  • It does not yet support Turbo Registry (coming soon!)
  • File inputs are only supported if the input is a URL

If you have a Cog model that you want to run on Mystic, you can convert it to a Mystic pipeline by following these steps:

  1. Firstly ensure you have the cog executable on your machine
  2. Navigate to the your code's source directory (the one where your cog.yaml lives)
  3. Use the convert CLI command: pipeline container convert --type=cog -n <pipeline_name>
  4. The above command will generate a pipeline.yaml file. You will need to edit this file to set things such as accelerators.
    1. One additional config you may want to check is extras.model_framework.save_output_files - if this is set to true any file data returned by Cog will uploaded as an output file, if not, the file data will be returned directly as a base64 encoded string.
  5. Assuming you have the necessary compute resources, you should be able to test out your pipeline locally using pipeline container up
  6. Push your pipeline as usual using pipeline container push

Using Turbo Registry

To use the Turbo Registry, simply update your pipeline.yaml file to include turbo_registry: true inside the extras field before running pipeline container push. Example:

  turbo_registry: true
    framework: cog
    save_output_files: true

Note that you'll need to be on a plan that supports Turbo Registry to use this feature.